Tooth Extraction in Centreville, VA

Welcome to Evolve Dental, your trusted partner in oral health in Centreville, VA. Led by the experienced Dr. Morgan Glaze and Dr. Curtis Henderson, our team is dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care, including tooth extractions, in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

What Are Tooth Extractions?

Tooth extractions are dental procedures where a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone. While we always strive to save a tooth, sometimes an extraction is necessary to protect your overall oral health.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

There are several reasons you might need a tooth extraction, including:

  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth, or third molars, often have trouble fully emerging from the gums and become impacted, causing pain, infection, and crowding.

  • Severe Damage: Teeth severely damaged by decay or trauma may be beyond repair. An extraction can prevent decay from spreading to healthy teeth and relieve pain.

  • Orthodontic Treatment: Sometimes teeth need to be removed to make space for orthodontic treatments to ensure proper bite alignment.

  • Risk of Infection: Teeth at high risk of infection, such as those affected by periodontal disease, might need to be extracted.

What Is the Extraction Process Like?

Our priority at Evolve Dental is to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the extraction process:

  1. Consultation: Dr. Glaze or Dr. Henderson will examine your teeth, discuss your options, and answer any questions. They may take an X-ray or use other methods in creating your tooth extraction plan.

  2. Anesthesia: Before the extraction, we'll administer local anesthesia to numb the area and ensure you're comfortable.

  3. Extraction: Using specialized tools, our dentists will gently remove the tooth. For impacted teeth, the procedure may involve removing gum tissue or bone.

  4. Aftercare Instructions: We'll provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery, including tips on managing pain and swelling, and preventing infection.

Tooth Extraction FAQ

  • Thanks to anesthesia, you don’t feel pain during the extraction. You may experience pressure, but we'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible. After your extraction, simple over-the-counter painkillers will be plenty strong enough to manage pain and discomfort.

  • Recovery typically takes a few days. Following our aftercare instructions will help minimize discomfort and speed up the healing process.

  • Many patients feel up to returning to normal activities the day after the procedure. However, we might recommend taking it easy for a few days, especially if you've had a wisdom tooth extracted. Strenuous activities can risk causing complications at your extraction sites.

  • Some common ways to avoid getting infections at your surgery site are to keep up on any medications prescribed by our dentists, keep the surgery site clean, and avoid drinking through straws as your surgery site heals. We'll provide detailed aftercare instructions to keep your smile healthy!

Pricing and Insurance Options

We believe in transparent pricing, and while tooth extraction costs can vary depending on the complexity of the case, we'll provide you with a clear estimate upfront. We accept most dental insurance plans and will work with you to maximize your benefits. For those without insurance, we offer payment plans and financing options to ensure you can receive the care you need.

Call Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

If you're experiencing pain, have an impacted wisdom tooth, or have been advised to consider tooth extraction, don't wait. Call Evolve Dental at 703-818-1500 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Morgan Glaze or Dr. Curtis Henderson. We're here to provide expert care, address your concerns, and help you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.