Your journey to optimal oral health starts here

Our Mission

At Evolve Dental, our unwavering commitment lies in delivering the highest quality of dental care and pursuing excellence in all aspects of our practice. We prioritize the comfort and well-being of our patients, ensuring a soothing and stress-free experience throughout their visit. Our patient-centered, evidence-based approach focuses on providing the most effective and minimally invasive methods to restore teeth, prioritizing long-term health over mere symptom management. We believe in treating the whole person, not just their dental issues and dedicate more time to our patients. Our team understands that oral health is integral to overall well-being, and our comprehensive approach reflects this core philosophy.

A Modern Approach

  • CBCT Imaging

    Step into the future of diagnostics with our Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging. This revolutionary 3D technology captures thousands of images, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. With minimal radiation exposure, we prioritize your safety while providing us with the information we need for optimal care.

  • Digital Scanning

    Say goodbye to messy impressions. Our digital scanning technology creates precise 3D models of your teeth and gums, guaranteeing a comfortable experience while allowing us to create restorations and dental appliances with unparalleled accuracy.

  • Same Day Crowns

    Experience the convenience of modern dentistry with our advanced CAD/CAM technology. In just a single appointment, we can design, fabricate, and place high-quality ceramic restorations. This eliminates the need for multiple visits, saving you time and delivering durable, aesthetically pleasing results.

Our Amenities

  • Pillow & Blanket

  • Ear Plugs

  • Netflix

  • Aromatherapy

Get started with Evolve Dental today